Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Short Vowel o (-ob,-od, -og, -op, -ot, -ox words)

Short Vowel o
Short Vowel "o" Lesson Series: In the "Phonics Short Vowel o Lesson Series (6 Lessons)" we will be studying three letter rhyming words, with the pattern, "Consonant-Vowel-Consonant." These can be classified into the following word families:
-ob word family
-od word family
-og word family
-op word family
-ot word family
-ox word family

Phonetic Skills (Spatial): Kids sometimes can pronounce the sound of the individual letters, but usually, have a hard time, in connecting the three sounds to form a word. Use CVC words with short o such as fog, on, cob, rob, cod, hod, hog, log, cop, pop, mop, and flop to teach blending of sounds with help of flashcards. In all the phonics videos, we have included the spatial movement of letters to form a word. This helps in visual stimulation and proper understanding of blending of sounds. The lessons also include three letters blending, as well as sentence writing.

Short Vowels:
These are the first set of sounds introduced to students in phonics classes. These are generally introduced before the long vowel sounds are taught.
Rule: Usually when a vowel (a,e, i,o, or u) is present in the beginning (VC words) or between two consonants (CVC words) in a word that contains only one vowel, this vowel often makes the short vowel sound. Example: on, from, hop, sock, hot, not, pot, rot, dog, drop, crop, etc. Exceptions are always there. The above rule is applicable to the three letter rhyming words formed by the short vowels and represented as word families.

Short Vowel o Pronunciation: This is a more open position sound. The jaw and the lips are in the open position. To say this sound, keep your jaw and lips in an open position. The central or front of the tongue may touch the bottom of the mouth and teeth. 

Three Steps to teach Short Vowel o Word Families:
1. Play the activity demonstrated below for each word family.
2. Show the video corresponding to the word family, (Link is given below).
3. Download and print free worksheets in which kids can color the picture and write the thee letter rhyming CVC words.
Lesson 1 (-ob word family)
In this lesson, we study words such as cob, hob, job, mob, rob, and sob.
Activity: Present kids with the flashcards and ask them to make the word ob, then once they form the word family start forming the three letter rhyming words by substituting the first word.
  ob (First, form the word family word)
Bob (place the flashcard "B" before this word family "ob" to form the word "Bob")
cob (Substitute "B" with a "c" to form cob)
hob (Substitute "c" with a "h" to form hob)
job (Substitute "h" with a "j" to form job)
mob (Substitute "j" with a "m" to form mob)
rob (Substitute "m" with a "r" to form rob)
sob (Substitute "r" with a "s" to form sob)
An angry mob, made my Uncle Bob sob.
"Do not rob me of my job!" he said.
Put the cob on the gas hob.
Sight Words:
an, made, my, to, do, not, me, of, the, said, he, put, on.

Lesson 2 (-od word family)
In this lesson, we study words such as cod, God, hod, nod, pod, rod, and sod.
Activity: Present kids with the flashcards and ask them to make the word od, then once they form the word family start forming the three letter rhyming words by substituting the first word.
od (First, form the word family word)
Bod (place the flashcard "c" before this word family "od" to form the word "cod")
God (Substitute "c" with a "G" to form God)
hod (Substitute "G" with a "h" to form hod)
nob (Substitute "h" with a "n" to form nod)
pod (Substitute "n" with a "p" to form pod)
rod (Substitute "p" with a "r" to form rod)
sod (Substitute "r" with a "s" to form sod)
The cod got stuck to my rod.
Oh, my God! Those twins look like two peas in a pod.
Kim gave Tom a nod.
You can't lay sod in the bog.
Sight Words:
the, got, to, my, oh, those, look, like, in, a, gave, can't.

Lesson 3 (-og word family)
In this lesson, we study words such as bog, cog, dog, fog, hog, jog, and log.
Activity: Present kids with the flashcards and ask them to make the word og, then once they form the word family start forming the three letter rhyming words by substituting the first word.
og (First, form the word family word)
bog (place the flashcard "b" before this word family "og" to form the word "bog")
cog (Substitute "b" with a "c" to form cog)
hog (Substitute "c" with a "h" to form hog)
jog (Substitute "h" with a "j" to form jog)
dog (Substitute "j" with a "d" to form dog)
fog (Substitute "d" with a "f" to form fog)
log (Substitute "f" with a "l" to form log)
The dog and the hog are best friends.
"Jog hog!" said the dog.
One day, they found a log in the bog.
The dog and the hog sat on the log.
Oh! The dog and the hog broke the log.
Sight Words:
the, and, are, said, they, in, will, on, with, oh

Lesson 4 (-op word family)
In this lesson, we study words such as cop, hop, mop, top, pop, and stop.
Activity: Present kids with the flashcards and ask them to make the word op, then once they form the word family start forming the three letter rhyming words by substituting the first word.
op (First, form the word family word)
cop (place the flashcard "c" before this word family "op" to form the word "cop")
hop (Substitute "c" with a "h" to form hop)
mop (Substitute "h" with a "m" to form mop)
top (Substitute "m" with a "t" to form top)
pop (Substitute "t" with a "p" to form pop)
My pop is a cop.
"Hop in the van!" said the cop.
The mop is on top of the box.
Sight Words:
my, is, a, in, the, said, was, kept, on, of

Lesson 5 (-ot word family)
In this lesson, we study words such as cot, dot, hot, jot, lot, not, pot, rot, and tot.
Activity: Present kids with the flashcards and ask them to make the word ot, then once they form the word family start forming the three letter rhyming words by substituting the first word.
ot (First, form the word family word)
cot (place the flashcard "c" before this word family "ot" to form the word "cot")
dot (Substitute "d" with a "c" to form dot)
hot (Substitute "c" with a "h" to form hot)
jot (Substitute "h" with a "j" to form jot)
lot (Substitute "j" with a "l" to form lot)
not (Substitute "l" with a "n" to form not)
pot (Substitute "n" with a "p" to form pot)
rot (Substitute "p" with a "r" to form rot)
tot (Substitute "r" with a "t" to form tot)
The pot is hot.
He got to jot down a lot of notes.
The tot is in his cot.
Sight Words:
a, and, an, are, in, the, out, of
Lesson 6 (-ox word family)
In this lesson, we study words such as ox, box, fox, pox, toxic, and boxcar.
Activity: Present kids with the flashcards and ask them to make the word ox, then once they form the word family start forming the three letter rhyming words by substituting the first word.
ox (First, form the word family word)
box (place the flashcard "b" before this word family "ox" to form the word "box")
fox (Substitute "b" with a "f" to form fox)
A fox and an ox are in the box.
The fox ran out of the box.
Sight Words:
a, and, an, are, in, the, out, of
Phonics FlipBook fun activity
We have made a phonics flipbook which has got worksheets for all the 31-word families. Please download it by clicking on the image below. Print the word family for which you want to create the flipbook.

Educational videos and Free downloadable worksheets.

Video Lessons (Short Vowel o) 6 Lessons

Print Free Worksheet

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