Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Phonic Sounds

When a child hears the phonic sounds that the letters and the combinations of letters make (also known as phonograms), it helps in the development of child’s English language skills by allowing the child to link the sounds with each other to form words. 
Listening, Speaking and Reading in English involves the use of sounds. By connecting the phonemes together kids learn to form new words. Also, they can segment (The process of breaking down or stretching a word into its individual phonic sounds also called as phonemes) a word into individual phonemes or blend (The skill of joining the sounds to form new words) and learn the skill of phonetic decoding. This is a key skill to develop to become fluent in reading. As children start to connect sounds to form new words, this skill helps them to form advanced and more difficult words thereby increasing their Lexile measures. 
Lexile Measures are measures to match a child's reading level to the type of book he or she can read. The concept of Lexile Measures is widely used in schools today to measure a child's reading skills, by assigning a score through the Lexile scale. The score helps the teachers and parents to select appropriate books suitable for the child's reading level. Reading different books at different levels helps the child to become fluent in English dramatically. Scholastic’s “I can read” books and Dr, Seuss books are very popular among elementary school students. There are a lot of other books that are equally great, which you can research on the interment or find them in the library.
1.      B=/b/ as in bat, ball, but, bet, bit, bun, broom, brown, blue, blunt
2.      C=/k/ as in cat, car, cartoon, cape, can, clown, crow (Hard sound)
     /s/ as in city, ace, cycle, cylinder, cyclone (Soft sound)
Rule: The letter c makes both the hard and soft sounds. It usually, makes the soft sound when c is followed by e, i or y
·          ace (In the word ace, c is followed by e), 
·          city (In the word city c is followed by i),
·          cycle (In the word cycle, c is followed by y)
Rule: When c comes before the vowels a, o or u, the letter c usually makes the /k/ sound
·          cab (In the word cab, c comes before the vowel a), 
·          cob (In the word cob, c comes before the vowel o), 
·          cut (In the word cut, c comes before the vowel u), 
3.      D=/d/ as in dog, drum, dance, doll, dust, drama, door, drool
4.      F=/f/ as in fan, fun, fat, fit, fog, fin, father, fast, frame, flame
5.      G=/g/ as in goat, gun, give, gut, gum, got, glue, grow (Hard sound)
     /j/ as in giraffe, ginger, gypsy, fudge, smudge, wage (Soft sound)
Rule: The letter g makes both hard and soft sounds. It usually, makes the soft sound when c is followed by e, i or y
·          gem (In the word gem, g is followed by an e), 
·          ginger (In the word ginger g is followed by i),
·          gypsy (In the word gypsy, g is followed by y)
6.      H=/h/ as in hat, hut, hit, hot, hate, hurt, hunt, hole, high, height
7.      J=/j/ as in jug, Jim, June, jelly, January, jog, jig, joker 
8.      K=/k/ as in kite, kitten, kangaroo, kit, keep, kale, keen
9.      L=/l/ as in lion, let, lad, leg. lot, lag, letter, late, light
10.   M=/m/ as in mat, mop, mum, met, med, mug, mad, mud
11.   N=/n/ as in net, nut, nip, nun, noon, night, no
12.   P=/p/ as in pat, pet, pit, put, pot, pant, pale, pail, pig, pin, parrot
13.   Q=/kw/ as in queen, quilt (Q is always followed by an “u”)
14.   R=/r/ as in rat, rut, rip, rot, rake, room, rubber, rise, rose
15.   S=/s/ as in sat, sit, set, sip, sad, sun, summer, sag, sod, soul
    /z/ as in rose, hose, nose
    /sh/ as in sugar
16.   T=/t/ as in tap, tip, tin, top, tad, tan, tug, tool, tiger, trunk
17.   V=/v/ as in vet, violin, vase, victory, vane, van
18.   W=/w/ as in wet, wit, wag, wig, win, won, war, wear, water, what, why
19.   X=/ks/ as in x-mas tree
      /z/ as in xerox
20.   Y=/y/ as in yak, yellow, yam, year
    Long i represented as /ī/, as in sky, by, fly, cry, dry
    Long e represented as /ē/, as in gypsy, easy
    Short i represented as /ĭ/, as in gypsy
21.   Z=/z/ as in zebra, zoo

Unlike some other languages, in English, the vowels make more than one sounds. They usually, make the short sounds and the long sounds. Always, the short sounds are taught before teaching the kids about the long sounds.
1.        A
a.      Short a sound represented as /ă/, as in the words bat, can, cap
b.      Long a sound represented as /ā/, as in the words, cane, cape
c.      /ah/ as in father, rather
2.        E
a.      Short e sound represented as /ĕ/, as in the words, elephant, egg, beg, nest, fest, let
b.      Long e sound represented as /ē/, as in the words, eagle, bee, sea
3.        I
a.      Short i sound represented as /ĭ/, sound as in pig, pin, dim, rim, fin, kin, lip, zip
b.      Long i sound represented as /ī/, as in pine, fine, wine, spine, kind, while
4.        O
a.      Short o sound represented as /ŏ/, in con, cob, sob, cod, rod, cot, not, dot
b.      Long o sound represented as /ō/, in cone, zone, bone, phone, clone
5.        U
a.      Short u sound represented as /ŭ/, in cub, bug, hut, nut, cup, pup, bus
b.      Long u sound represented as /ū/, in cube, flume, plume, tube, use

We have free audio and clickable letters wherein kids can hear the sounds that each letter makes (21 consonants and 5 vowels). Below we have made a table in which you can hear the sounds of each letter (consonants and vowels) in a systematic way.
Click on each letter below to hear its sounds.

Vowels (a,e,i,o,u)

Consonants (b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z)

To hear all the above sounds, please go through our video on Phonograms.
The link to the video is provided below.
77 Phonograms

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